Association Leadership: President: Chris Buonanno, Class of 1970 Vice President: Jason Anthony, Class of 1995 Secretary / Treasurer:Katharine Kohm, Class of 1999 Director of Alumni Relations: __________ Honorary Director: Sean Kelly, Cranston East Principal Voting Directors: Thomas Centore, Cranston East Faculty Dante Carnevale, Class of 1999 Dianne Fonseca, Class of 1966 Richard R. Harris, Class of 1978 Kathleen Nee Zambrano, Class of 1999 Emeritus: Don Frederick, Class of 1965 Mission Statement: The Thunderbolt Alumni Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes to support Cranston East students, provide mini-grants to faculty and staff for creative educational approaches, and to raise private funds for these initiatives from alumni and the community at large.